November School Council Minutes

Boyne River Public School

Minutes to School Council Meeting


Date: November 6, 2023

Time: 6:02 pm

In Attendance

Stephanie Jacklin, Sarah Reilly, Sandra Beaudoin, Tracey Rhynold, Stephanie De Zotti, Crystal Hobbs, Danielle Vandegram, Sarah Gould, Dinora Vitorino

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve: Sarah Gould

Seconded: Danielle Vandegram

Principal Report (Ms. Jacklin / Ms. Reilly)

  • PA Day (Ms. Reilly)
    • Health and safety – reporting and investigating H&S concerns. Review of tools available.
    • Numeracy – HIIPS - high impacted instructional practices – focus on overall learning and Knowledgehook (how to use and integrating the program)
    • DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) – explored heritage identities of the communities within the school
  • School Action Plan (Ms. Jacklin)
    • Literacy team, numeracy team, and DEI team were working on the school action plan today (Nov 6)
    • Next meeting, the goals will be shared
    • Plan is continuously updated throughout the year
    • Nov 23 – some teachers will be coming together to focus on math learning
  • Purchases – unlearn posters – posters that reflect diversity in our communities and focuses on inclusion. The company will evaluate the spaces within the school that would be best to display the posters. Students within the school will vote on which posters they feel are most applicable to our school community. To come from the school improvement area of the budget.

    Dates to Remember

  • Nov 9 – Progress reports
  • Nov 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly
  • Nov 13 - 17 – Student-led conferences
  • Nov 16 – Spirit day – favorite team colour day (jersey)
  • Nov 16 – Winter Wonderland Market
  • Nov 17 – PA Day
  • Nov 17 – Last day for poinsettia orders
  • Nov 21 – Photo retakes and class photos
  • Dec 18 - Caroling

    Teacher Report (Ms. Beaudoin)

  • Library displays of the Digestive Amusement Park
  • Junior boys and girls’ volleyball teams just finished. Tournament last week
  • Flag football has finished as well
  • Intermediate girls’ basketball and intermediate boys’ volleyball is starting this week.
  • Food drive has started. Need in the community has increased and contributions have decreased. (Sarah: Anyone who brings a food item to the vendor market will be entered into a draw of vendor provided items)
  • Outdoor clothing drive is accepting donations this week and will be available to students next week. Anything remaining will be donated.
  • Kindergarten and grade 1 teachers will be trained on using playground communication boards in the classrooms. The board provides visual aids to assist children in communicating their needs.

Other Business

Poinsettia fundraiser – pending set up on school cash online. Orders close Nov 17th. Poinsettias to be delivered to the school on Dec 5th before 2 pm. Parent pick up to occur on Dec 6th.

Winter vendor fair – vendors can begin set up 4:45 pm. There are 11 confirmed vendors and space available for 22. Will need to close the gym on Nov 16th at 2:30 to 3:30 in order to tape the vendor spaces on the floor. There will be a draw for those who bring in a food item to win a vendor surprise.

Dance – Ms. Jacklin verbally provided approval for the Professor Jamz dance on February 14th

Fundscript – first sale closes November 10th. Second sale will close before Christmas.

BBQ – to discuss in the next meeting. Proposed date June 6th (the Thursday before the PA Day). Need to ensure we are representing all families at the school (i.e., variety of food options, henna tattoos, etc.). To look into M&M Meats for the BBQ.

Dates of Upcoming Meetings

December 4

February 5

April 8

 May 6

June 3 (optional)


The meeting was adjourned at 6:34 pm.